Rebuilding a property management company around the needs of customers
Rebuilding a property management company around the needs of customers
Product Strategy, Design & Build, Go-To-Market
FirstPort is the largest residential property manager in the UK. Having successfully grown its asset base following a Private Equity exit, it was looking to become more operationally efficient, whilst improving the experience for customers and colleagues. To achieve this, the CEO set out a vision for a new digitally-enabled property management company, via a napkin sketch. Class35 was engaged to turn this napkin sketch into a reality.
Engaged by the CEO of private equity owned FirstPort to redesign the business from the ground up
Mapped customer experience and enabling business processes to derive requirements for a digital transformation programme
Acted as product owners within transformation programme to realise the business case
Turn a napkin sketch into a reality
FirstPort is the largest residential property manager in the UK. Having successfully grown its asset base following a Private Equity exit, it was looking to become more operationally efficient, whilst improving the experience for customers and colleagues. To achieve this, the CEO set out a vision for a new digitally-enabled property management company, via a napkin sketch. Class35 was engaged to turn this napkin sketch into a reality.

A truly customer-led transformation
Starting with customer needs, we mapped out the end-to-end experience, identifying pain-points, and corroborating these with contact centre data.
We then designed the future-state digital experience alongside new business processes to define the requirements for the new digital platform, the core systems that underpinned it, and the operating model to enable it - whilst quantifying a business case for doing so.
As the programme kicked into delivery, we acted as product owners for the digital platform, ensuring the business case was upheld through product prioritisation.

The platform was deployed and rolled out in 2021
The promise of the business case and clarity of plan contributed to the company exiting to another private equity firm
The napkin sketch is now a reality delivering a 15% operating margin improvement and higher NPS